Tuesday 18 October 2016

Pokemon Go - A worldwide phenomenon!

Name: Pokemon Go
Website: www.pokemongo.com
Platform: Android, iOS

Another game from Niantic, he leader of Augmented reality games, Pokemon Go has taken the world by storm and brought on the 2nd Pokemon revolution.

Pokemon Go puts you in the role of a Pokemon trainer, allowing you to travel around the streets and greens of the world to find and catch em all!

This game allows you to capture Pokemon, raise them via combination system with other Pokemon of the same name, and battle other Pokemon trainers via a Gym system.

The game has a system of Pokestops, which as based on real world locations of cultural and artistic significance, players interact with these stops to gain items and importantly Pokeballs.

One of the most important aspects of Pokemon games are battles, Pokemon Go has implemented a Gym system which players can take over Gyms located in the world and place hey own Pokemon inside them for others to Battle.

Pokemon Go has become one of the most popular mobile games ever as well as outperforming sites like Facebook and Twitter.

The game has only been available for a couple months but judging by player reaching the game is going to go a long way, and Niantic has stated hey have only just begin and they have much more to add to make Pokemon Go a 100% authentic Pokemon game.

Monday 17 October 2016

Ingress - Father of today's AR games

Name: Ingress
Website: www.ingress.com
Platform: Android, iOS

Though not the first Augmented Reality MMO game, Ingress certainly put it on the map with users across the world.

Users take on the roles of "Agents" who join one of the two factions of ingress to battle for control of portals and resources. The game is a full MMOG as it consists entirety players and no NPC's.

Players use their devices to capture portals that are located in real world locations using a variety of tools at their disposal, while at the same time defending their own portals from being captured by the opposing factions.

Ingress is players by tens of thousands of players across the world in real time. Portal locations are usually landmarks or public pieces of art or places of importance or interest, this combined with the fact that if you want to capture a portal you have to go to its real world location adds a bigger sense of purpose and passion to this game.

It may be of interest to know that the locations of portals in Ingress were for a majority submitted by its early players, and those locations were the basis of pokestops in the hit AR game "Pokemon Go". Despite the game having a huge playerbase before, he release of pokemon go also brought Ingress into the spotlight and he game has since see a massive surge in players.

One of Ingress's most fun features in the social aspect, not only can you talk with fellow players, but many players meet up to play together, and Niantic, Ingress's developer holds events in the real world which many players take part in all over the world that also serves to drive the story and lore of the game forward.